Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Take Up Your China Doll, It's Only Fractured

You may recall that we have had visitors from San Diego, Mike and Sandi Kendall. We left them on their own to travel south and explore the country.

Well, we hope they had a good time, at least until they got to a beautiful city called Dunedin where the incident occured.

There has been much spin from these two as to actually what happened there, I don't know what to believe. It's like Bill O'Reilly was reporting the story and the Kendalls are Clinton. But the result was that Mike "injured" his hip.

According to the tale, which you may believe or not, they were walking on a nearby glacier. (NZ has quite a few of these and one would be wise to go with a guide and wear proper footgear).

So the glacier was partly in the sun and partly in the shade. The shade side had different ice and was harder to walk upon. Mike took a step, wearing tennis shoes, and lost his footing, slipping onto the hard surface.

When he arose from the cold ground, he found it difficult to walk. Sandi had to drag him down the mountain and get him to the car. It was decided that the best move was NOT to go to a nearby hospital, but to drive ten hours back to Nelson. Wha???

Sandi would need to drive as Mike was in a bit of pain. He says he was not crying. Sandi had never driven in NZ and had to learn on the job.

She did fantastic thuough many winding curvy roads and one way bridges and showed up at Nelson Hospital, where she called us to come over.

After the usual wait of 2-3 hours in emergency, the Doctor, Dr. Clive Garlic, told Mike he had a hip fracture and would need to spend a few days in the hospital and be on crutches.


At least Kimberly got to be his nurse for a few hours.

So sadly, their vacation was cut short and they are leaving today back for the states, if Mike can make it up the stairs to the plane.

New Zealand is a dangerous place, my friends.



At 4:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Got to say, the outfit...not attractive - even on you!!! What is it w/Australia - NZ and broken hips/knees anyway? Tennis shoes on ice...kind of was asking for it wasn't he? At least they will have humorous tales to tell. love - robin


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