Looks Like Rain
" Everybody's making love or else expecting rain "
Golden Bay was pretty wet for the next few days. Totally acceptable. There were enough breaks in the showers to get out and poke around the area.
Nearby is a little spot, 30 minute walk through typical splendiferous forest and bush. Pupu Natural Springs. (Insert joke) These are not hot springs, but water bubbling from deep below the surface up into a natural pond. The water from these springs is some of the clearest and purest on the planet.
When got out of there, we drove through the rain to some spots on the bay.One was this suspension bridge over a deep gorge. I am trying to look not scared. Fortunately I am quite the thespian so nobody can see my true cowardice...unless they check my underpants.
We went as far as the road would take us toward the lighthouse on Farewell Spit.
(Insert joke here)
There was also an historical cemetery that was well worth the visit.
Even a llama farm.
Lew McGinnis' influence is everywhere!
This llama actually knows Lew. He worked for him in Oklahoma. He said he was a "fluffer", used only when the other llamas needed a little help in the mating game. He said Lew was a good guy. The only problem was that Lew told him to fire one of the llamas and made him wait until 5PM on a Friday so he could get one more day out of the guy.
He said he was pretty happy here in New Zealand.
We got back to clear skies and a sunset walk on the beach. We did not see any other people yet all day.
The following day began with a true heavy rain. It looked like we weren't going anywhere. We had plenty of food, wine, other supplies, bay view, dvds. So we ate, drank, and looked out the window at the shore until we were able to take a long walk on the sand. We saw Gordon, the physicist owner with the dream, who showed us a blue penguin nest.
Friday morning began with a blinding sunrise right into our bedroom window. Gordon told us we could stay another day if we wanted...for free.
But enough with this anniversary already. I have promises to keep.
We declined another night because we have tix in Nelson for the opening of the Winter Concert Series. There is an orchestra and female singer doing a tribute to Gershwin.
On the drive home, we checked out a cave.
It was wet and active (insert sexual reference). Kimberly took the last photo. I have no idea.
Cheers for now. We hope your week was as fun as ours.
OOOhhh was that a LLama? I love Llamas!
So why have I never gotten a cookie???
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