There May Come A Day I Will Dance On Your Grave. If Unable To Dance, I Will Crawl
Are we weird because we like to visit cemeteries? Everywhere Kimberly and I travel, we stop at old graveyards and read inscriptions and look for the oldest headstones.

Nelson is no exception. After living here a year, we found a large cemetery in nearby Wakapauka.
There were heaps of graves dating back to the 1840's. The site was on some beautiful property that is worth millions because of the view of the estuary.
It's funny that while some of these folks were alive, they probably never could afford to live on land like this. Guess they got the last laugh.
In this graveyard, the dead folks were all divided up into sections based on their religion. Most all were of the Christian faiths. Wesleyan, Anglican, Presbyterian, and then some. No atheists that we could see. All God's chillun got faith.
We searched for a long while and finally found the Hebrew section. There were a total of 5 graves...also not the best view if the truth be told.
The property was extremely hilly and difficult to climb. Crikey, even the dead are fit around here.
Some of the inscriptions were quite descriptive and well written. So had funny Harry Pitt.
There were a bunch of Bushes, but hard as we looked, we couldn't find a George. I guess that means W. wouldn't be caught dead in New Zealand.
Perhaps that's another reason why we moved here.
What a magnificent cemetary!! Just walking on grounds that old - I love historical!! The tombstones are wonderful looking. Daddy always said the good spots were far away from the fence but it appears like the few jews might have been by those too in the hilly section. love the last line :) miss you both - robin
Unfortunately, NZ does not offer "Scotty" Beam-up service but there working on it.
You both will be missed and as you eloquently say, "truth be told" there will be many a good story coming out of this affair.
can you believe we were texing way early...mir, otcca1
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